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Thursday, 6 December 2012

Sorry for neglecting my blog - am back again

Hello peeps,
I just don't know where the time goes! The past few months have just flown by.  I have been unwell for most days, just getting through in a fog of pain medication. They make me so drowsy and lethargic.  However, I have still managed to be creative.  Most of my makes have been for friends and relatives birthdays, and I have forgotten to take photos!
I have been making some jewellery too. Now I'm split between cards, art and jewellery making.  I love them all!
Its been snowing today! With Christmas just around the corner, I had better get some cards made.
I will put up some photos as soon as I can.
Meanwhile I will just say 'speak to you soon', and I'm off to make something.

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